Monday, November 2, 2009

Clarks Trail, Jacobs Ladder and The Ghost After Work

The view from the top of Jacob's Ladder

Riding up Clark's Trail after work on a Friday with good friends. It doesn't get much better as far as mountain biking goes.

This time of year (October 23) the trail can be muddy, but this day it was perfect. Just moist enough to keep the dust down, but not wet enough to sink in or stick to the knobbies.

Tim and Rex on Clark's Trail

Tim and Rex had never been on this trail before but they went up without any problems. I know that some of the fast guys around here can clean Clark's in under 8 minutes, but for us amateurs, we did well.

Rex on Clark's Trail

Although the brilliance of the fall leaves was diminished, the day was crisp and beautiful. The trail was paved with the golden hue of fallen leaves and there weren't any bugs to bite us due to the cold snap of a few days prior.

Tim and I at the top of Jacob's Ladder

At the top of Clark's we rode over to Jacob's Ladder. Jacob's is a lot of fun, I really love the uphill climb and then the downhill snakes all over which is great fun. Disc brakes are suggested just so you can brake at the last minute. I also like to skid my back tire around the sharpest turns to help me around the corners.

Tim at the top of Jacob's Ladder

Tim riding up Jacob's Ladder

Rex and Tim at the top of Jacob's Ladder

Rex and Tim did a great job climbing this. I didn't tell them that the last time I climbed this there was a rattlesnake in the road.

Rex riding Jacob's Ladder

I'm looking forward to another Friday Night Ride. How about you guys?


  1. Im ready for another any night ride. We wont have too many jmore opportunities left, so lets get on it. Hows the swine flu coming along anyway? Everybody alright?

  2. Great ride. Lets do it again this week!
